Saturday, January 6, 2018

New year’s resolution 2018

This year instead of making a resolution that will just crumble and fall, I have decided to do something really good for myself. I am already working out so I don’t need to make a resolution about that, no I have decided to do something better.

Each morning I plan to wake up early and take my dogs for a walk right away. That way when the summer heat comes I can go early enough that it won’t be too hot for them.

I am going to do a devotional every morning, and spend time praying.

I am going to play my violin for at least 15 minutes each day.

I am going to draw or paint for at least 15 minutes each day.  

Continue to workout, and workout at least 3 days a week if not more.
Read a book for 10 minutes. This way I can finally get to reading some of those great books I have.

Go to bed early! I have always had a hard time with sleep and now that I am past the “being afraid that I won’t sleep if I don’t go to bed early”, I find myself staying up later then I want. So, why not go to bed earlier.
  Do you have any 2018 resolutions? Then please join me on this journey as I go through day-to-day life with a different look on life. I know that if I can stick to this I will be a lot happier as a person, and I will grow a lot more in my faith and relationship with God.

I really am looking forward to this new year and to see what the Lord has in store for me! I will try and do a blog post each week on my progress with life and art but know that I will be starting school at some point here. So, I might not be able to get to do a blog post every week. But I will try my best to do better this year then I did last year with my blog.

It's 2018!

It’s 2018! Wow! 2017 went fast… The last few months I have been struggling with what to do with my life for a career/job. The Lord has opened a lot of doors just to get me going and then He closed them to lead me in a different way.

First, it was LPN (Licenced Practical Nurse), I was really excited about it. I set up a meeting at the college to go and talk to them about what upgrading I needed. The Lord quickly closed that door and opened another one with the thought of RN (Registered Nurse). But as quickly as He opened that door, He closed it.

              Now the door the Lord has opened the door to upgrading my English so I can go to college to get my degree for ECE (Early Childhood Education). I am really excited about this new chapter in my life that the Lord has opened to me. And I can’t wait to see what He will do next!